On July 7, the “Kick-off Ceremony for the Second Half of 2002 for Leaders of District 4 of the Heavenly Japan” was held at Okayama Family Church (Okayama District). In the presence of pastors and women representatives of District 4, including Subregional Group President Kim Man-jin, Regional Group President Bang Sang-il delivered a message conveying Heaven’s hopes for the 40-day course started by True Mother.
Editorial Department
Mother worried about members who have distanced themselves from the church
Good morning, everyone. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you very much for all your hard work in the first six months of the year.
This morning, Ms. Jeong Won-ju, Secretary to the President, called me and told me how True Mother was doing. When Yun Young-ho, Director-General of International Headquarters, had come to Japan the other day, I gave him some clothes to give to Mother which my wife had chosen as a gift. Jeong Won-ju had called to tell me Mother appreciated them. We are standing here with joy that Mother is pleased with us.
On July 3, we embarked on a 40-day course (from July 3 to August 11) for the 10th anniversary of True Father’s seonghwa. The slogan is, “Let us go see True Father!” From True Mother’s point of view, I think she would say, “go see Father,” but for us, it would be better to say, “Let us go see True Parents!”
True Mother is worried about “members in slumber” that are staying away from church. Due to the coronavirus, it has become common for people to attend services online, and even though members could go to church, churches would only be able to accommodate 20 people, instead of full capacity of 100 people, to ensure social distancing. More than two and a half years of uneasy church management has continued for the pastors.
True Mother, on the other hand, has presided over more than 200 conventions during this period. In her lifetime, True Mother has visited Japan to give about 170 speeches, so it is astonishing that she has been able to put in so much effort in the aftermath of the pandemic. While many events were cancelled throughout the world, Mother, believing that difficult times are when you should act more, took thorough precautions against the virus, made full use of the internet, and devised various other ways to hold conferences.
Yun Young-ho moved by Mother’s pride in the progress of members in Japan
On May 11, (then-) Vice President Lee Seong-man (currently Chairman of the construction promotion committee of Bird Flower Garden) and I visited True Mother at the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum. When we went there, it was decided that he would return to Korea for his new mission, and Mother asked me to take over his duties here in Japan and encouraged me to work ten times harder, even a hundred times harder.
Heaven has great hopes for the Mother Nation of Japan. How serious would we need to be if we wanted to return achievements that are tenfold or even a hundredfold of what True Mother desires? I had serious discussions with President Tomihiro Tanaka and other staff members regarding this point. Our hearts were united in our desire to meet Mother’s requests as much as we could, and we set specific goals in these meetings.
When Yun Young-ho came to Japan, I introduced the pastors and women representatives from all over Japan and shared about Japan’s efforts without concealing anything. He listened to me with eyes wide open and replied, “I just got goosebumps hearing about the efforts taken by our brothers and sisters in Japan.”
Two days after he returned to Korea, he called me up. He reported everything I had told him in detail to True Mother, and she said, “Japan is amazing. There are things we must learn from them.”
I would like to thank all of you here, once again, who are leading the way in carrying the mission of the Mother Nation.
True Mother earnestly hopes that all Blessed Families, members, second generation and third generation will gather on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of True Father’s seonghwa. She is especially concerned for the members who have been staying away from church.
In Japan, we have developed a “search and visit project” to bring back the second generation. In the same way, let us visit blessed families and members that have distanced themselves from the church. Spiritual life can be revived only when you are connected to True Parents. How can you understand True Parents’ realm of heart without being connected to the church? Please tell them that this is a historic time when the dreams of the Heavenly Parent (God) and True Parents come true. It is the golden time when they can walk together with True Mother.
A leader is responsible for conveying the heart, circumstances, and wishes of True Parents to the last of the members. Let us reflect on what has been lacking in our progress so far, and let us take on the 40-day course by deepening our thoughts each day on how we can return to True Parents’ bosom with all of our brothers and sisters, beloved by heaven.
Unforgettable Fishing Tournament around Geomundo Island
Ten years ago on July 7, True Parents were in Las Vegas, U.S.A. A week had passed since they arrived in America earlier in the month, when True Father came down with a cold. As his symptoms worsened, it must have been inconvenient for him to stay in a hospital he wasn’t familiar with in America. True Mother was concerned about his condition and pleaded with him to return to Korea as soon as possible. He returned to Korea on the 15th of that month.
Just before True Parents left for America on June 24, a fishing tournament was held on Geomundo Island (Korea) with department leaders, subregional directors, and district leaders from Japan. True Father had prepared prize money and was waiting for us. I have told you this story several times, but I will share it again because it is something that cannot be omitted when looking back on Father’s seonghwa.
I get really bad seasick, so I literally have trauma hearing the word “ship” or “boat.” On that day, I gathered all my energy to respond to True Father’s wish and boarded a boat with the mindset of doing it to set a condition while not caring if we placed in the competition. However, the wind was so strong that hardly any of us caught any fish. It was the same for every boat. So the captain said it wasn’t going to matter, no matter how hard we tried, and suggested to go back to shore. After three hours of throwing up from seasickness, that was music to my ears. I agreed with him and spoke up louder than the others, “Let’s do that!”
However, we had made a big mistake. We should’ve said, “If we can’t catch any fish here, take us out further to sea.” We should have never had given up. But none of us raised our voice. Human beings can be weak and choose not to follow through on their resolutions.
At hoon dok hae the following morning, True Father asked us about the results of the fishing contest. He told the person who came in first place to come to the front. The first place winner joyfully stood in front of Father and received the prize money. Up to that point, there was a celebratory mood, but when Father asked about the size of the winning fish, the place fell silent.
The winner hesitated and answered timidly, “Thirteen centimeters.” True Father asked back, “Thirteen inches?” (One inch is roughly 2.54 centimeters.) When it was confirmed that it was thirteen centimeters, Father’s mood suddenly changed. He sternly said, “When I tell you to prepare and do your best, you have to do your best! Why didn’t you guys do so?” All of us just tensed up.
Shortly after that, True Father returned to Cheon Jeong Gung Museum by helicopter and we were to return to Yeosu by boat. On the way, Father contacted Song Young-seop, then-President of the National Federation of Blessed Families, and invited us all to Cheon Jeong Gung Museum. Father may have felt sorry that he wasn’t able to do anything for us, even after having invited us to Korea.
When we arrived, True Parents allowed us to have dinner with them and had each one of us sing a song. After that, he said, “This is a rare opportunity, so let’s take a commemorative photo.” That was the last picture he took with the leaders of Japan. A few days later, True Father departed for America, where he caught a cold.
Tears still well up in my eyes when I recall the events on Geomundo Island. We were inadequate leaders. No matter how much I reflect on our failure to realize True Father’s wish, there is nothing I can do to make up for it.
Father laid the groundwork for the providence on earth to be centered on Mother
Did True Father sense that his own life was in danger? He returned from America on July 15, and he held the Abel Women’s UN Inaugural Assembly the following day. Father almost collapsed while he was speaking. His behavior was completely different up until then. It goes without saying that the Abel Women’s UN, which was founded with such wholehearted devotion, is of great importance in heaven’s providence.
The Women’s Federation for World Peace was founded on April 10, 1992. True Father proclaimed the coming of the age of women, and True Mother was inaugurated as the organization’s president. Two years earlier on March 27, 1990, Father proclaimed the “realm of women’s total liberation” and expounded that Mother was the second hierarch of the church at the commemorative service of True Parents’ Day in New York.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of True Mother becoming President of the Women’s Federation for World Peace. The Abel Women’s UN was founded 21 years after that. I believe that True Father has been aware of providential numbers and has been laying the groundwork to advance the will on earth centered on Mother.
Attitude desired during the 40-day course
True Father ascended on September 3, 2012 (July 17 of the heavenly calendar). The 40 days leading up to that day must have been the most difficult period in True Mother’s life. Although she understood True Father better than anyone else, she must have felt frustrated that she couldn’t do anything for him. All she could do was stand by his side. I believe Mother set this year’s 40-day course based on those 40 days in 2012. I can’t hep but think that she wants us to go through this 40-day course with the same realm of heart, the heart that was so torn of wanting to do whatever it took for Father.
True Father left for the spirit world to propel the providence in heaven and to protect us. Therefore, please visit as many Blessed Families and members as possible, whom Father had poured his love into, and listen to their circumstances earnestly. Listen to their worries, complaints, and what they’re not satisfied with. Father must be waiting sincerely for them to return to the church.
Since assuming the position of Regional Group President, I have traveled the whole country but have still to visit three districts out of sixty-four. At each district, I have meetings with the leaders and women representatives. In addition, I attend services for the members of each district, and also meet with the youth and student leaders as well as the Korean wives and loyal, filial families.
I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to help and protect the Korean wives, in particular. Families are faced with trouble, but when talking with Korean wives, many of them suffer more than you can imagine. Wives from other countries where their culture is completely different (than Japan) may be in similar situations. These women have come from overseas to marry into Japanese families. Please invite them to your churches and listen to them. I’m sure that both sides will shed tears of gratitude and be moved by each other.
Every week or two, I write a letter to True Mother about what I’ve seen or heard. I do not have to mention that I always want to report something pleasing to Mother, but I have to tell her about the challenges we face.
The regional group presidents of all eight regions will report to True Mother in similar fashion, and the national leaders will also consult Mother when they have concerns. I can only imagine how difficult it must be for her just thinking about the fact that she reads these reports from all over the world every single day while taking necessary action.
When I met True Mother on May 11, she spoke for about an hour and forty-five minutes. She spent an hour talking about the problem with her children, and the rest was about the second generation. I cried uncontrollably as she expressed the anguish in her heart. Mother is carrying the cross with such a heavy heart. How can we relieve her of this burden?
True Mother has placed her hope in the second and third generations. She hopes they be educated at Sun Moon University and UPA, where they will then be sent as missionaries to the whole world. During the 40-day course, please devote your hearts to the second generation, and if there are any children who have not been able to come to church, please visit them. I plan to report to Mother how many second and third generation have come back after the 40-day course.
A global foundation built with uninterrupted progress
When True Father had ascended, I was actually on a business trip to Hiroshima. Rev. Song Young-seop called me from Korea and told me to cancel all my plans and return to Korea at once and help prepare the seonghwa events. Upon receiving such an instruction, I immediately flew to Korea. Then, we started making preparations for the all-night prayer vigils at Cheongshim Peace World Center.
The cheongseong period lasted thirteen days and we all reached our limit of fatigue. However, it was nothing compared to True Mother’s difficulties. Mother was in the harshest of situations regarding her emotional and physical state, yet, she declared, to the leaders who had gathered from all over the world, to keep pressing forward without rest. She called on them to inherit the tradition of True Parents, which is to offer filial piety before Heaven especially when things are tough. She also hoped for us to complete the mission of heavenly tribal messiahship and build the community of a culture of heart.
At that time, a 40-day course was set up so that we could leave anew with a pure mind and body. I think this was the first time I partook in a 40-day course together with Mother. Therefore, the 40-day course we are doing right now will be my second with Mother. It has been ten years since the first 40-day course.
True Father invested everything with a spirit of living for the sake of others. He even offered his own life to heaven for the salvation of humankind. True Mother kept his memories alive as she offered a life of attending his tomb, and based on that victory, she overcame the first 7-year course. She went to Taiwan at the end of that process.
This was part of a world tour, whose schedule was so strenuous that it involved repeated air travel, and her feet would swell up. After her speeches, she would sit down in the waiting room where a masseur and three others—Moon Yeon-ah nim, Moon Hoon-sook nim, Ms. Jeong Won-ju—would massage her legs. They told me it was like a boxer returning to his corner after each round of a tough fight. In this way, she restored seven nations and seven religious organizations.
The first 7-year course concluded with the World Summit 2020 (at Kintex, Korea on February 4, 2020). National leaders gathered from all over the world under the vision of a peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula. The spectacle was one of the brightest in the history of the Unification Church, the Family Federation for World Peace.
If you wish hard enough, it will come true
On May 11, I attended the inauguration of South Korea President Yoon Suk-yeol. At that time, my mind was filled with the thought that I had to get acquainted with the President. However, with 40,000 people in attendance, I was unable to accomplish that.
That evening, I was able to attend a dinner presided over by the Prime Minister along with leaders of Mindan who were invited from Japan. During those two hours, I was able to meet with VIPs I only hoped I could meet, which included the Prime Minister, the Minister, members of the National Assembly, and current and former Mindan leaders.
Originally, the President had not planned to attend, but he suddenly decided to show up. When the President was fist bumping some of those in attendance, I was moved by such a strong feeling of having to get acquainted that I shouted, “President Yoon Suk-yeol, congratulations on your inauguration!” Looking back on it now, I wonder why my voice came out so loudly.
The President seemed stunned, but my shout seemed to have ignited a chant of “Yoon Suk-yeol” from the audience and he seemed quite pleased.
I was able to meet with him along with other VIPs on my visit to Korea, and as a result, I feel that I was able to have them be conscious of Japanese VIPs. If you talk with them with confidence, there is a surge of power that wells up. I hope you can all experience this feeling.
I had met a certain influential Japanese legislator. He knew that I was Korean so he told me that his wife had told him to watch a Korean drama. As we laughed, he shared his thoughts on the drama Crash Landing on You. He praised it and said that Japanese people would not be able to come up with something like that.
It’s an interesting drama and I encourage everyone to watch it, but I believe you will find hints for North and South Korea unification. True Mother is currently focused on realizing the Heavenly Unified Korea; in other words, North-South unification. Only when this is accomplished can there be a Heavenly Unified World.
The concerns that Japanese politicians have about North Korea are the pending issues of nuclear weapons and the abductions. True Parents and the Family Federation are the only ones that can lead the way to resolving the abduction issue.
Ladies and gentlemen, I believe you’ve made a list of fifteen people to witness to. If all of us pray for, love and share the word to these people, I’m sure we can create that foundation of 1 million people. How great an impact would that have? It will change the way the world sees us.
History can be changed through the efforts of a single person
Human history can be changed by one person.
The fall of Adam and Eve caused human history to become a history of sorrow. A new world began with Noah, and there was a glimmer of hope, but due to the mistake of his son Ham, history once again became one of suffering. Still, God did not give up. He has been leading human history through the victories of providential central figures such as Abraham and Jesus.
Whether the subregion, district, or church is able to bring victory depends on each one of you. One thought from a subregional president, district leader, church leader, or women representative can change the course of the members. This thought reminds me that the position of the central figure is a frightening one.
If the central figure falls, then history will fall. True Mother is truly in such a position and she continues to push forward, be it day or night. According to Ms. Jeong Won-ju, Mother never goes to bed at night. Even when she lies down, her mind is so preoccupied with many thoughts that she is unable to sleep soundly.
Now that the 6,000-year history of the providence of restoration is coming to a close, we must become completely united with True Parents.
After bringing victory to the 40-day course, let us all go to Cheongpyeong. If we devote our path of faith with cheongseong, we should be able to overcome the issue with visas. This month is the beginning of the second half of the year, so let us make it a month where we can set the best achievements in our lifetime, and go see True Parents!