Providence for the Philippines
⒈ ILC-Manila
Something I would like to share:
It was so nice to meet old friends again. I am inspired to reorganize the AMMS-Asian Mobile Medical Service.
There will be a nation wide election on May 13th in the Philippines. Cong. Oscar Malapitan is running for the mayor of Caloocan. His son, a member of a city council of Caloocan, is running for the congressman.
Cong. Oscar Malapitan is a son of Past Col. Vicente Malapitan who was a dentists and lawyer,close friend of past president Gen. Ramos. Col. Vicente Malapitan was also a delegate of the Philippines for Asian Pacific Anti-Communist League,nation-wide known military man.
I had a chance to speak to the leader of the church of the Philippines ,Mr.Julius Malicdim,about the civic action of AMMS.
I advised Mr.Malicdim that he and all the members of the church might support their champagnes. If we can arrange AMMS during the champagnes for them, that will be great help for their victories. Of course they,Cong. Malapitan and his son,need to be educated the Divine Principle.
Cong. Malapitan’wife,who attended the closing banquet of ILC, said that she wanted to introduce her friends to WFWP.
I am sure that Heavenly Father will guide and protect the Malapitans.
They will be a big help for the Providence for the country of the Philippines to be restored
See you again.
Give my best regards to the members back there in your home country.
Best wishes,
Dr. Toguchi Susumu,DDS,Lt-Col(R)
Dear Julie,
It so nice to see you again. I am also eager to rebuild the organization of AMMS.
I had a chance to speak to the church leader on the civic action of AMMS.
There will be a nation wide election on May 13th. Cong. Oscar Malapitan is running for the mayor of Caloocan. His son, a member of a city council of Caloocan, is running for the congressman.
I advice him, the church leader Julius Malicdim,that he and all the members of the church should support their champagnes. Of course they,the congressman and his son, need to be educated the Divine Principle.
See you soon again.
Give my best regards to the old members of the medical department.
Keep in touch with Mrs. Teves Yumiko.
Best wishes,
Dr. Toguchi Susumu,DDS,Lt-Col(R)
from iPhone
Dear Kat,
On safe arrival at Narita International Air Port I found the first big snow fall in this winter Tokyo Megalopolis. At the center of Tokyo,All the JR trains and hight way buses are cancelled.
Thank you for your e-mail post girl.
You are a big help so I could have kept contact with Cong.Malapitan. We are all pleased to be of some help for the campaigns.
Send our best regards to Cong.Malapitan and his family.
Thank you for your kindness. We really hope the big successes in May and pray for it.
Best Wishes,
Mon Jan 14th Dr.TOGUCHI Susumu
1-12-7,Matsue-cho,KawagoeCity,Saita-ken,350-0056 Japan
from iPhone :
Thank you,Kat.
I will wait for your Mom at the lobby
of the Manila Hotel.
iPhoneから送信 :
2013/01/12 14:32、Kat
Okay my mom will be there at 7pm. Thanks
Kat Malapitan
09178822426 (2113770)
On Jan 12, 2013, at 1:24 PM, The TOGUCHIS wrote:
The following is an example of my article:
Providence for the Philippines
⒈ ILC-Manila
Something I would like to share:
It was so nice to meet old friends again. I am inspired to reorganize the AMMS-Asian Mobile Medical Service.
There will be a nation wide election on May 13th in the Philippines. Cong. Oscar Malapitan is running for the mayor of Caloocan. His son, a member of a city council of Caloocan, is running for the congressman.
Cong. Oscar Malapitan is a son of Past Col. Vicente Malapitan who was a dentists and lawyer,close friend of past president Gen. Ramos. Col. Vicente Malapitan was also a delegate of the Philippines for Asian Pacific Anti-Communist League,nation-wide known military man.
I had a chance to speak to the leader of the church of the Philippines ,Mr.Julius Malicdim,about the civic action of AMMS.
I advised Mr.Malicdim that he and all the members of the church might support their champagnes. If we can arrange AMMS during the champagnes for them, that will be great help for their victories. Of course they,Cong. Malapitan and his son,need to be educated the Divine Principle.
Cong. Malapitan’wife,who attended the closing banquet of ILC, said that she wanted to introduce her friends to WFWP.
I am sure that Heavenly Father will guide and protect the Malapitans.
They will be a big help for the Providence for the country of the Philippines to be restored
See you again.
Give my best regards to the members back there in your home country.
Best wishes,
Dr. Toguchi Susumu,DDS,Lt-Col(R)