On November 20, 2024, the “65th Anniversary of the Founding of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the 60th Anniversary of the Corporate Certification” was held at Shoto Headquarters in Shibuya, Tokyo. In his commemorative address, President Tomihiro Tanaka shared True Mother’s heart, approaches us as a parent, and said, “This is a miraculous time when we can walk together with True Parents of humankind. Let us cherish each and every day of our lives on earth.”
Editorial Department
The spirit and DNA of those crying out for national salvation has been passed down to the members
Congratulations on the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Family Federation in Japan and the 60th anniversary of its corporate certification. (Applause.) I would also like to congratulate all those who have received awards today. (Applause.) I extend my heartfelt congratulations.
Sixty-five years have passed since the seed of Heaven’s precious word was sown in Japan—which, from the perspective of the Great Epic of the Chosen Korean People in Heaven’s providence, was the “enemy”— and the first service was offered by four people on the second floor of Yukeisha (Shinjuku, Tokyo).
In 1958, when diplomatic relations between Japan and Korea had not yet been established, a Korean missionary risked his life to come to Japan. According to his heavenly mission, he proclaimed the word and shouted, “The Lord of the Second Advent has come! Heaven on earth is coming!” Through his efforts, God started leading people to him.
The Unification Principle’s message of hope, dreams, and purpose in life directed at the young people, who were looking ahead to the future of Japan and the world, created a stir in witnessing throughout the country. Threatened by this wave, the left-wing ideology adherents caused a daily media frenzy with tabloid stories about the “Principle Movement that makes parents cry” and called for the “Unification Church to go back to South Korea!” In this way, the church was greatly persecuted in the pioneering days.
In order to counter the communist forces that were gaining momentum to overtake Japan, True Parents established the International Federation for Victory Over Communism (IFVOC) to create an axis and confront the threat head-on. Many of our senior members stressed the threat of communism by preaching and parading in the streets, wearing sashes with the slogan, “Communism is Wrong.” They denounced Kenji Miyamoto, then leader of the Communist Party and his imprisonment in Abashiri Prison for the “spy interrogation case.” Armed with the Divine Principle in their right hands and the VOC Theory in their left, they challenged the communists head on and brought countless victories.
At the beginning of November (2024), VOC—an allied organization of the Family Federation—led a nationwide VOC tour. These events were held in more than seventy locations. The cry of patriotism echoed from the streets. I am convinced that the spirit and DNA of our senior members, who loved heaven, loved people, loved their country, and kept raising their voices for the salvation of the nation and the salvation of the world, have been passed down in the members from generation to generation in the lineage of God’s children.
Declaration of severing relations with the Family Federation, which greatly shook all of the Heavenly Japan
Twelve years ago, we sent True Father to the spirit world without a single nation restored to God. True Mother is probably the one who has experienced the misery of not having a godly nation more than anyone else.
Since the shooting of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, we have been experiencing the agony of being a people without a country. We deeply understand how challenging it is to face the state, and this struggle continues to affect us today.
It has been 60 years since the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (Family Federation) was certified as a religious corporation. At that time, it was branded by the Japanese government as an organization that was not suitable as a religious corporation, and a request for a dissolution order was issued.
A leader without a vision brought about by his own self-preservation (called for) the severing of ties with the Family Federation. This single choice has caused a major upheaval in all of Heavenly Japan. This irresponsible decision to sever relations with the Family Federation has dragged politics, the public, and the religious community in this issue, and has brought crisis to democracy (in Japan).
The leader of the group does not seem to have the slightest sense of gravity of the situation. The blessed families and brothers and sisters throughout Japan have been placed in the depths of anguish amidst intense media scrutiny. What you are holding in your hands is “The Family Federation of Japan Today – Damage Report 2024.” Some of you may have already read it, but I would like to take this opportunity to read the preface I have written.
What in the world happened? Thunder rumbled in the azure sky, and rain clouds covered the sunlight with no way to tell where they had originated. Large drops of rain poured down from the dark clouds, and before I knew it, I was being swallowed by the flood, unable to jump under the eaves of the roof. The faint hope that it might stop someday was betrayed, and cries for help were drowned out by the storm…
Such gloominess spread across Japan with reports criticizing the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU, formerly the Unification Church), which was the “witch hunt of 2022.” No matter how much one cried out, expectations for sensible and impartial reporting were betrayed, and the voice of truth and reason was completely blocked out. Perhaps the most appropriate word for the situation was “deliberate suppression.”
Since the shooting of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a limited number of “experts from the former Unification Church” have been seen on all major TV stations, leading the news coverage and public opinion by repeating critical information. Regardless of the shooting incident, opposition forces—which had been plotting to dissolve the former Unification Church—saw this incident as their greatest opportunity and mobilized all of their forces, which even involved politicians, to demand a dissolution order against the FFWPU.
In the 60 years since it was granted as a religious corporation in 1964, the Family Federation of Japan has consistently placed the highest priority on the value of “living for the sake of others” and has produced many young leaders who have upheld the aspiration of saving the nation and world. It has also devoted itself to building a peaceful world while utilizing its global network. However, there have always been forces that have opposed our aspirations. These were the forces that stood on the basis of communist values, which were hostile to family values and religious values.
The stance of the Family Federation remains unchanged. This is because the roots of human freedom and equality in any age cannot be discussed without including family values and the freedom of religion. To make Japan a better country, our followers are risking their lives and livelihoods for the sake of making Japan a better place, and they are appealing on street corners today.
Even now, the voices of our followers do not reach the state, the media, or the public. Rather, they are silenced; their existence is denied; and having faith in FFWPU has become a risk to life. As soon as the prior prime minister from the Liberal Democratic Party declared the “severance of relations,” local governments began to pass resolutions to do the same, and a situation has emerged in which believers in the Family Federation are not even allowed to lead normal civic lives.
Since the incident, the damage caused to our organization has been enormous as a result of overblown media coverage all throughout Japan. In addition to graffiti on our facilities and the cancellation of facility contracts, we have been “cut off” from car dealerships, copier leasing companies, caterers, fruit vendors, event vendors, florists, and other businesses with which it has had long-standing relations. In addition, the number of death threats by letter and e-mails, as well as threatening and harassing phone calls, exceeds tens of thousands nationwide. Some of the staff who responded have become mentally ill and some still suffer from depression.
However, the people who testify of damages in this booklet are ordinary believers. They are no longer allowed to live normal lives and must live in fear of their own safety until they abandon their faith. On the other hand, it is undeniable that those who stand on the side of harm are also those who have been so incited by distorted information that they have lost the ability to hear the voice of truth.
The people who have shared their testimonies are those who have dared to raise their voices and deliver the truth to prevent further damage, to let as many people know the truth, and above all, to regain the right to live as human beings in this country. We are publishing this booklet in the hope that the cries of their hearts will reach you, the reader, even in a small way. We hope that it will genuinely touch your hearts as much as possible…”
To order the dissolution of a religious corporation is the same as a “death sentence” for the organization. I feel that the opposing forces, who are crying out for the dissolution of the Family Federation, don’t want to lose this opportunity and even have a murderous intent toward our organization.
I would like to thank all of you gathered here today for holding on to your spiritual lives, which is irreplaceable, and for moving forward together toward the desires of the Heavenly Parent (God) and True Parents, under these circumstances in which most of the public is being swayed by baseless media reports and expressing approval for the dissolution of our denomination. For this, I would like to express our gratitude to all of you.
In this era, we are being asked whether we are united with True Mother
Since True Father’s seonghwa, True Mother has taken the lead toward God’s liberation and is doing her utmost to carry out her will to be triumphant and clear the final stage of this process. Five months before the day of welcoming God as the Heavenly Parent on earth, we cannot help but feel the gap that is growing day by day between Mother’s tense determination and our awareness. I believe that this gap is the biggest barrier to advancing Heaven’s providence.
The reason for this is: it is the responsibility of the children to welcome their parents. Are there children who are worthy of welcoming the parents? If you are welcoming parents on the family level, you must have children who have brought victory at the family level; if you are to receive parents on the clan level, you must be children who have brought victory at the clan level; if you are to receive parents on the national level, you must be children who have brought victory at the national level, that is, as loyal subjects; if you are to receive parents on the world level, you must be children who have brought victory as saints; and if you are to receive parents on the cosmic level, you must be children who have brought victory as divine sons and daughters.
Therefore, when I stand before True Mother, I always ask myself, “At what level am I facing her? Mother is the Mother of humankind and the Mother of the Cosmos. We should pursue being children at the level of being completely united with the heart of the Mother of the Cosmos.
When the leaders of the Heavenly Japan met with True Mother recently, she shared some of her words. Here is a portion of it.
Through providential history, the 6,000 years of human history, True Parents have created an environment where the dream of the Heavenly Parent, the Creator, can be fulfilled on earth…Humanity longs for a peaceful world. There is only one way. It is only through the movement to serve the Heavenly Parent and True Parents can humanity become one and world peace be attained…We must tell all the people of Japan, “The way for Japan to live is to become one with True Parents—the Only Begotten Daughter and True Mother—and only then will Japan have a peaceful future.”
True Mother’s message is always simple: “Be one with me.” This is the one phrase. How will those who are told by Mother to “be one with me” accept this message and how will they incorporate it into their own lives? I feel that this is the time when this is truly tested.
A new culture being created between second generation and True Mother’s heart
We have deepened our understanding of the Principle and the providence through the word that True Parents gave us. Only by accepting True Parents can we form the framework of our faith and stand as heroes and warriors for God’s will. I am sure that all of you have received this kind of guidance.
Currently, we are witnessing the creation of a new culture at the Cheon Shim Won Special Night Vigil Prayers in Cheongpyeong, Korea. The second generation are reaching a level of culture that is beyond our imagination.
The culture that we, the first generation, have long desired to build is already being created in the realm of second generation and into True Mother’s heart. The second generation, who have no understanding of the Principle and no experience in practicing Heaven’s Will, are jumping into the world of Mother’s heart. This world of heart is the realm that we should enter by raising the level of training we have undergone to a higher level.
When the leaders of the Heavenly Japan met with True Mother in April of (2024), she appealed to us, the leaders, to take the lead and take responsibility for Japan, and mentioned how we should lead. She then encouraged us to do our best.
Immediately after that, I was shocked. True Mother said, “But it is all right. The Heavenly Top Gun and the second generation are one with me, as one needle. All you have to do is to be one with them.” It was like, “Oh, she said it…”
True Mother is convinced of the oneness that the second generation have with her and is serious about what she is saying. We, the first generation, have yet to fully accept this. She can certainly see a future with the second generation. She can say with certainty, “It’s going to be all right.”
The second generation will grow up to be leaders as they receive further training and acquire management skills. There is no doubt about that. Before that, they have already grasped the most important “keystone” in their relationship with True Mother. We must keep a close watch on the second generation that are with Mother.
There is one more thing that amazes me from the testimonies I hear from the second generation.
I have past experience as a pastor and I have been pastoring in a certain way. I think many of you fall on a similar experience. When challenges and conflicts arise, I use my experience as a basis to give advice. The way the second generation are overcoming these challenges is beyond what I can give. They are overcoming things on a completely different level.
True Mother is trying to face us as parents
Because of this, we must realize that the providence is entering a new age. True Mother emphasizes, “There is a world that you will be able to grasp if you become one with me.” Of course, we have been striving to become one with Mother, but now is the time for us to grasp this landscape that we can see (through second generation).
It is True Mother who is about to welcome the Heavenly Parent on earth on April 13 (2025), which will be a completely new providence and a great transition. Mother is walking day by day with tremendous tension. Unless we are able to see the same view as her, the gap between her tense determination and our awareness will not narrow. I think this is the challenge that confronts us.
Recently, there was a send-off ceremony for the 40-day course for youth and students from all over Japan. At that time, one first generation youth leader shared his testimony of his experience in Cheongpyeong.
He took his four-year-old son to Cheongpyeong. He was going to participate in the Cheon Shim Won Special Night Vigil Prayer and he told his son, “It’s late so you can go to bed.” However, his son replied, “No!” After some time passed, the father told his son, “It’s past midnight, so let’s go to bed,” but the son wouldn’t listen. Then, the son said, “I promised God that I would attend the prayer meeting. I promised to attend the prayer meeting!” And he was shouting “Aboji” and “Omoni” in a loud voice among the adults.
I believe that when we are touched by such a pure heart as his son’s, a definite repentance will occur in the first generation. I feel that we are seeking to have such a heart.
There is a shocking word that I received when I met True Mother. I would like to share it with the senior members gathered here today.
“Heaven cannot be created by faith alone. Heaven is a world of heart.”
We the first generation, after hearing the word, went out into the world, risking our lives. It was truly a struggle of faith. However, she said that faith alone is not enough to create heaven. Heaven is a world of heart. What must we do to stand in the world of heart that the Parents desire? I believe that the question is, “How can we stand unconditionally in the position of children before the Parents?”
At that moment, True Mother said, “Tanaka! What did you just say? Say it one more time. It is not ‘Chamomonim (True Mother) but ‘wang omma (Mother),’ isn’t it?”
True Mother is trying to face us as parents. That is why she is asking us, “What about you?”
Family Federation can become the hope of Japan only by restoring family values to the nation
Representatives of blessed families, members, each family association, and senior families along with public workers, church leaders, and award recipients from all over the country are gathered here today. Once again, I would like to express my gratitude for celebrating the 65th anniversary of the organization’s foundation and the 60th anniversary of the corporate certification. However, in the history of this corporation’s movement, we have never faced such challenges to our survival as we are facing now. Under such circumstances, I would like to convey my heartfelt respect and gratitude to all of you who are walking on the front lines as public servants.
Our senior members in the pioneer days devoted their entire lives to loving heaven, loving people, and loving their country. However, the Family Federation, which they wish to protect even at the cost of their own lives, is now being labeled as anti-Japanese and is about to be buried from the Japanese archipelago. I am sure that our senior members must be frustrated with this situation. And the one who is most heartbroken is True Mother, who is watching over us from the standpoint of a parent. She told me, “I cannot sleep when I think of Japan.”
Next year (2025), on April 13, we will welcome the Heavenly Parent on earth, and the providence will enter a new stage. True Mother taught us that “the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven is filial piety.”
Filial love is nurtured in a family where there is an orderly structure of creation. From now on, the family culture must be made “visible.” If we are to survive faithfully in Japan, we must clearly communicate the value of the family for everyone to see, which is the most necessary thing for this country. If we cannot do so, the way of life of the Family Federation will be blocked. I am convinced that displaying this family culture to society will determine our future.
In order to restore family values to the Heavenly Japan, the movement to build true families must become the pillar of the national salvation movement. The central axis of this movement are the Cheonbo families, the blessed families, which have been victorious in heavenly tribal messiahship. The existence of blessed families must become the hope of the nation.
From the perspective of a three-generation culture, all three generations—grandparents, parents, and children—are the main actors. I would venture to say that senior families, as the owners of Cheon Il Guk, must also play a leading role. This means that they are expected to play a more active role than before.
We do not have the word “retired” in our vocabulary. Even if we go to the spirit world, we will still be busy. Even if we plan to relax in the spirit world, someone on earth will surely call upon us with a fervent prayer. You will be called upon to cooperate with them, and you will be busy working. Therefore, whether in the spirit world or on earth, please think that you will not be able to relax until Cheon Il Guk is established. I hope that you will do your best in everything you do with the firm belief that “we will never retire.”
This is a miraculous time to walk with the True Parents of humankind. Let us cherish each and every day of our lives on earth.