Back to the Starting Point


The problem of Adam and Eve and the problem between these brothers caused the breakdown of the family. That is why I am trying to restore the family centered on the issue of Adam and Eve and that of the two brothers. I am trying to return them to the original point. The key to history lies in turning them around.

Holy Scripture of Chess Il Gun: Chess Seong Gyeong. p. 1022

God’s providence of salvation is the providence of recreation, a path of returning to the original ideal of creation, the starting point of creation.

Now, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is undergoing a time of great transformation. When we face trials or take on the challenge of reform, we must not lose sight of our starting point. Let us once again confirm this starting point that we should look to as our lifeblood.

Return to the Starting Point: 1. Firm Establishment of the Ideal of the Family

True Parents taught us that “firm establishment” means to live attending God and attending True Parents.

Our families, which should be the substantial temples, must welcome the Heavenly Parent (God) and True Parents and establish the tradition of a life of attendance and righteousness. True Parents do not settle in books or buildings, but in our families. True Parents’ resting place on earth is the “family.”

In other words, without the children’s victory, there can be no victory for the parents. Our historical and providential mission is to complete our mission, restore the ideal of the family, and create an environment where True Parents can settle through our families and lineage. The victorious True Parents of humankind will be settled through the lineage for eternity. Satan has continued to have dominion over humanity through the lineage until today. We will regain that lineage through blessed marriages and the firm establishment of the ideal of the family.

Let us aim to perfect the four great hearts centering on the Heavenly Parent and True Parents, and be the substantial temples that they can be proud of.

Return to the Starting Point: 2. Victory of the Heavenly Tribal Messiahship

The royal road to becoming children in the providence of restoration, which True Parents have taught us throughout their lives, is the victory of the Heavenly tribal messiahship.

The only way to inherit the eight-stages of True Parents’ realm of victory is the victory of the Heavenly tribal messiahship. This is our destined path as children that we must undertake.

Blessed families aiming to become substantial temples must establish the position of tribal messiah. Tribal messiahs stand in the position of being the ancestor in the realm of tribal-ship in the spiritual and physical worlds.

The progress of Heavenly tribal messiahship provides a way to solve all the challenges that the Family Federation faces.

For the past ten years, True Mother has consistently called for the establishment of the foundation for national salvation through the victory of the Heavenly tribal messiahship. Without establishing the foundation of Heavenly tribal messiahship, Cheon Il Guk is nothing more than a house built on sand. The ultimate goal of our life on earth is clear! Let us strive to practice “Cheonbo discipline” and move forward tirelessly toward the substantial victory of the Heavenly tribal messiahship.

Return to the Starting Point: 3. Pioneering period filled with the Holy Spirit and truth

After True Father’s seonghwa, True Mother especially emphasized the return to the church of the early days.

In the pioneering days, the church was filled with the Holy Spirit and the truth; it was the garden of true love centered on the Heavenly Parent and True Parents. In the witnessing testimonies of senior members during those days, we find many stories where spirit world was mobilized. It was a church filled with the Holy Spirit, where the spirit world had no choice but to cooperate, a church filled with holy songs and the word, a church where miracles and testimonies abounded. I believe that there was a foundation of cheongseong to which God and the spirit world had no choice but to give in.

Now that the Cheon Shim Won Special Prayer Room has been granted to each church of the Family Federation, we are receiving a lot of grace. Centering on the Cheon Shim Won Special Prayer Room, which is the main hall of spiritual providence and spiritual works, let us earnestly seek for Cheon Shim (Heavenly heart), and as we practice Cheon Shim Discipline without ceasing, let us connect to the altar of the family, which is the center of the substantial temple.

Return to the Starting Point: 4. Rearming ourselves with the word

At the very core of returning to the starting point is a new truth, the Unification Principle.

As found on page 12 of the Divine Principle, where it states that “this ultimate life-giving truth, however, cannot be discovered through an exhaustive investigation of scriptures or scholarly texts; nor can it be invented by any human intellect…This truth must appear as a revelation from God,” the Unification Principle is the secret of heavenly morality that the True Parents of humankind won through their fight against Satan in the spiritual and the physical worlds.

We must keep in mind that the Unification Principle is the core of God’s word and is the number one tenet of our faith.

Furthermore, this year, we must rearm ourselves with the Theory of VOC (Victory over Communism) and firmly confront the spread of communist ideology. Let us overcome the communist ideology that denies God, denies eternal life, and destroys the true value of the family; and let us establish the sovereignty of true love.

