This is an urgent announcement about the 2022 Hyojeong CheonBo Great Works Commemorating True Parents’ Birthday


Currently, South Korea is facing the rapid spread of the Omicron Covid-19 variant. This is the worst rate of infections Korea has seen up until now during this pandemic period. Taking this crisis into consideration, the International Headquarters has decided to announce that the ‘2022 Hyojeong CheonBo Special Great Works in commemoration of True Parents’ Birthday,’ scheduled to be held on February 26~27, will be postponed to the next Special Great Works, ‘2022 Spring Hyojeong CheonBo Special Great Works for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune’ (April 23~24).

All registration for this workshop, including Ancestor Liberation and Blessing applications, will automatically be moved to the April Special Great Works. (For members with urgent issues regarding their registration content, it is possible to move the registration to the Hyojeong CheonBo Special Workshop which is planned to be held on March 26.)

