“New Lifestyles and Modes of Activity” for the Family Federation for a Heavenly Japan
*In effect from May 31, 2020
1.Please take your temperature when entering a church facility (or first thing in the morning). If your temperature is over 37 degrees, please self-isolate and attend the service (or other gathering) online. If possible, please also check your temperature the day in advance. Those with a high fever should refrain from coming in person.
*If your average body temperature is around 37 degrees, please apply your own judgment whether to attend or self-isolate.
2.Please sanitize your hands when entering a church facility.
3.Wear a face mask. (Churches should prepare extra masks and provide them to members that don’t have any.)
4.When taking part in conversation, please continue to wear face masks.
5.Please rearrange interior layout that abides to social distancing guidelines, and limit the number of attendees.
6.Regarding guideline No. 5, managing seat capacity to limit the number of attendees is crucial. Therefore, accommodations, such as increasing the number of services, should be considered. (e.g. Have two services: one in the morning, and another in the afternoon; or one on Saturdays and the other on Sundays.)
7.Please make sure the chapels are frequently and thoroughly ventilated.
8.The minister(s) and emcee(s) should continue to wear their face masks when singing hymns. Having choirs are prohibited indefinitely.
9.Please do not provide meals or have luncheons after service as face masks need to be taken off when eating. (However, meals with your own family, or taken individually, are permitted.)
10.Public areas and spaces (doors, sinks, bathrooms, floors, etc.) should be disinfected and cleaned frequently.
11.Refrain from shaking hands and hugging.
12.When returning home, make sure to sanitize your hands and gargle.
13.After returning home, take the time to be aware of your body, and make sure there are no changes to your physical condition.