(動画)バルコム米会長の週間メッセージ (陽)9/6/2013 日本語字幕




バルコム会長 週間update 9/6/2013 




  1. HSA-UWC USA より:

    We create these Weekly Update Video with Dr. Balcomb every week. If you want to make the Japanese Version of these video, please contact us. We can work together. Thank you. Toshi from HSA-UWC USA, Video Production.

    • Eiji Harikawa より:

      Toshi-san ,Thank you for your kind remark. Details will be sent to you by e-mail later.
      Please check it. (^^)

      • HSA-UWC USA より:

        Harikawa-san, We have new Weekly Update video now. I hope we can communicate soon.
        Thank you. (I used another email address to send this message. I should get the mail directly. I don’t know how the system of this web site handle the communication. But I hope it works.)
