ソウル在住のTimothy Elder(ティモシー エルダー)氏が、FACEBOOKでテコンリ-氏のアルバムをアップされました。
Timothy Elder
Sun Jo Hwang (second from left) greets Kook Jin Nim in Kimhae, Korea, Oct. 14, 2011, on his arrival to deliver a speech to Ambassadors for Peace from Kyeongsangnam Do.
Kook Jin Nim Photo Gallery
Kook Jin Moon(70. 6. 14.) Chairman of HSA-UWC Foundation (Korea) Kook Jin Moon, born in 1970, was the last of the Moons’ children to be born in Korea. He moved to the United States with his family in 1973, and attended primary and secondary schools in Westchester County, New York. He majored in economics at Harvard University and received his MBA degree from the University of Miami located in M…
作成: Taekon Lee