日本語 世界会長ツイッター2012年11月19日(月) In Ur presence w tears of repentance we have communicated w ur heart deep in our minds... And through ur heart of compassion pls raise us up...that u will allow us the special grace of calling u father (7/7/1968) 2012.11.20 日本語
日本語 世界会長ツイッター2012年11月18日(日) Father,..bring about heavenly acts that will give us the ability to subjugate our minds before u, and that u will appear and bring... About heavenly acts of re creation through the authority of ur power Tf prayed 3/15/1959 2012.11.20 日本語
日本語 世界会長ツイッター2012年11月17日(土) Please, Heavenly Father, take direct dominion over everything from this moment on, as we press forward toward the final goal. I beg you to establish your reign of goodness. Reign from the position of both right and left, with Heaven's dominion and realm of victory at the center. Engage the entire co... 2012.11.20 日本語
日本語 世界会長ツイッター2012年11月16日(金) Please take us as ur children who are able to go over the historical crest that u're leading us over by taking charge of everything of today (4/8/1970) prayer of TF 2012.11.20 日本語
日本語 世界会長ツイッター2012年11月15日(木) Father! U were love! U, who put me behind steel bars, prepared me for the standard of a situation filled w joy... ...and when i think that it was in order to give me a position of inheritance in order to give me blessings, now that it is over... ...i see that everything was love and was the touch of... 2012.11.20 日本語
日本語 世界会長ツイッター2012年11月14日(水) We must bcome s & d who know how to exp. Ur situation, the heart of a parent whose breast is constricting...when his son who committed... ...sin is dragged away by the court and stands on the gallows. We must know how to feel ur pitiful heart (dec 7,1969) 2012.11.20 日本語
日本語 世界会長ツイッター2012年11月13日(火) Kjn met maybe-soon-to-b-new-woman -prez of korea! Great job! 2012.11.20 日本語
日本語 世界会長ツイッター2012年11月10日(土) "Looking at His internal character, God is God, the Father, representing masculinity, and God, the Mother, representing femininity. Thus, we can say that human beings and the world of creation are also the “gods” of dual characteristics: masculinity and femininity." (Blessing - 307) ... 2012.11.20 日本語
日本語 世界会長ツイッター2012年11月8日(木) Becoming God’s patriots, filial children, and virtuous women is the right path for all people to follow; yet such people have never existed. Although people may have lived in this way for their king or their parents, none has done so for God. As God looked upon these people, how much He must have lo... 2012.11.20 日本語
日本語 世界会長ツイッター2012年11月7日(水) Until we can transform the alter of the remaining struggle into the alter of victory, the alter of rest and into the alter of glory for You PleaseFather protect our way as we go, sanctify the places we stay and guide us" (april 8, 1956) 2012.11.20 日本語
日本語 世界会長ツイッター2012年11月7日(水) Shared wonderful walk and sunset w TM reminiscing on past moments at EG! So wonderful! Cbmnoms! 2012.11.07 日本語