
文亨進師 ワシントンタイムズ30周年記念祝典 日本語
文亨進師 ワシントンタイムズ30周年記念祝典

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon Invokes Vision of the Founder at Washington Times 30th Anniversary Celebration

The Reverend Hyung Jin Moon, head of both the International Unification Church and its North America branch, called upon religious and civic leaders to heed the vision of his father, the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon, at a banquet celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the founding of the Washington Times, on Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2012. The Washington Times honored the life of its founder, Rev. Moon, during its 30th anniversary celebration at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, hosting an afternoon symposium discussing the topics of family, faith, freedom and service and an evening banquet that drew hundreds of politically- and religiously-minded activists. In addition to the keynote address by Rev. Hyung Jin…

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